Dienstag, 6. Dezember 2005

Michael Buble in FFM


Wahnsinnskonzert, immernoch Gänsehaut, wäre auch gern geknutscht worden, das Konzert war einfach "fucking brilliant", neue romantische Ader entdeckt, schmachte weiter...

Zum Lesen:
"You Don't Know Me"

You give your hand to me
Then you say hello
I can hardly speak
My heart is beating so
And anyone can tell
You think you know me well
But you don't know me

No, you don't know the one
Who dreams of you at night
And longs to kiss your lips
And longs to hold you tight
Oh I'm just a friend
That's all I've ever been
'Cause you don't know me

I never knew
The art of making love
Though my heart aches
With love for you
Afraid and shy
I've let my chance to go by
The chance that you might
Love me, too

You give your hand to me
And then you say good-bye
I watch you walk away
Beside the lucky guy
You'll never never know
The one who loves you so
Well, you don't know me

You give your hand to me, baby
Then you say good-bye
I watch you walk away
Beside the lucky guy
No, no, you'll never ever know
The one who loves you so
Well, you don't know me

Zum Hören:
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mechaniker - 9. Dez, 17:41


buble gum.....

wirf dir den typen hintern rachen und lass
den schleimer von deiner magensäure zersetzen.
das ist wieder so nen glitschiger
all ohne rückrat und meinung, und such dir einen
gescheiten MANN :)

so long....



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